Yesterday we colored Easter eggs and the boys had a blast doing it! As they are getting older, they are enjoying all that holidays bring more and more. Of course I love that, but there is also a bit of sadness because as they grow older I know that we are getting closer to the time when they won't believe anymore. I am not looking forward to that day. Tanner had a lot of questions this year about the Easter bunny and I know it is because he is having a little trouble still believing that a giant bunny comes to our house to deliver treats each year. He also didn't want to get his picture taken with the Easter bunny at the mall. He secretly told me when Aiden wasn't around that he knows that that is not the real Easter bunny and that it is just a guy in a costume. So, I took Aiden while Tanner was at school and he was literally shaking with excitement while we were waiting our turn...thank goodness!
So, I hope that each and every one of you has an Easter full of wonder, joy and belief!!
Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness. ~Floyd W. Tomkins
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